Targeted Risk Assessment
EasyTRA calculates the risk for human health and environment of a substance use based on substance specific data and exposure estimates as requested under REACH for the generation of a CSR. EasyTRA is using a tiered approach known as "Targeted Risk Assessment". Starting with rather restrictive default assumptions for exposure calculation it is possible to develop the conditions in further steps to achieve a more realistic exposure description and result.
The key benefits of EasyTRA:
EasyTRA is significantly faster than other tools:
- EasyTRA imports DUCC-format scenarios in less than two minutes - including standardized Tier 2 settings.
- EasyTRA can modify most field entries simultaneously - over all scenarios and by 2 clicks only (e.g. modification of the exact concentration of a substance in a preparation).
- EasyTRA allows complete freedom in calculation of mixtures (NEW)
- EasyTRA integrates the CONSEXPO® algorithms for consumer exposure assessment
- EasyTRA documents every step in a TRA Report comprehensively and clearly, be it defaults, entry data, algorithms etc.
- EasyTRA generates chapter 9 and 10 of the CSR. Download an exemplary CSR HERE.
- EasyTRA generates the annex to the extended safety data sheet with all identified uses
- EasyTRA uses a broad range of Tier 2 and Tier 3 modifications to optimize exposure scenarios.
- EasyTRA uses unsurpassed and practise-oriented workflows and provides a comprehensive handbook with lots of practical hints.
Learn about EasyTRA's basic functions via our video tutorials
A trial version can be downloaded free of charge here.
EasyTRA therefore offers unmatched functionality combined with easy handling:
- EasyTRA applies the algorithm accepted by the ECHA based on the ECHA REACH Guidances R12, R14, R15 und R16.
- EasyTRA is working in compliance with ECETOC ® Targeted Risk Assessment 2010 (as of May 2010) and provides Tier 1 level results in compliance with this module fully accepted by the ECHA. The calculation of environmental exposure is in compliance with EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a based on EUSES ®.
- EasyTRA is fully compatible with IUCLID 6 to 6.6 using field-proven import and export functions and therefor offers a comfortable management of exposure scenarios under REACH (including export to chapter 3.7.1).
- EasyTRA is the only software for Targeted Risk Assessment which guarantees to create a complete documentation about all process steps - multilingual and in PDF format.
- EasyTRA allows to build custom exposure scenarios out of contributing scenarios
- EasyTRA provides for customised product and article categories as well as user defined spERCs
- EasyTRA generates chapters 9 and 10 of the Chemical Safety Report (CSR) automatically from the input data.
- EasyTRA generates the annex to the extended safety data sheet with all identified (safe) uses
- EasyTRA offers a plenty of reasonable Tier 2 modifications for exposure calculation to help you to accommodate your individual substance use for more realistic results than the standard approaches.
- EasyTRA allows the simultaneously calculation of a unlimited number of exposure scenarios, offers a field-proven file based management and unmatched calculation speed.
- EasyTRA imports exposure scenarios using the DUCC-Format or Use-Maps format without annoying "handiwork"
EasyTRA is therefor the most powerfull utility at the time for creating and calcuting of exposure scenarios under REACH. EasyTRA provides reliable and excellent documented results. It allows to modify your exposure scenarios up to Tier 3. All this is combined with an easy to use interface which gives the informed novice as well as the expert lots of options to optimise the exposure scenarios.
You can find a complete list of features of easyTRA here.